The Deep Sleep Kit (TM)


 If you answer yes to any of these statements below, then you need a plan to heal your sleep.

  • Do you lie in bed at night scrolling social media or the news?

  • Do you rely on a glass of wine or a drink after dinner to fall asleep?

  • Do you start to worry if your sleep medication runs low?

  • Do you fall asleep in your chair in the late afternoon without meaning to?

  • Do you have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning after hitting snooze multiple times?

  • Do you try to "catch up" on sleep during the weekend?

  • Do you feel irritable, quick tempered or impatient?

  • Do you feel sleepy or exhausted most mornings?

  • Do you struggle with anxiety or depression?

  • Do you struggle with weight gain, cravings for sugar or carbs, or do you feel stuck with your weight loss attempts?

Sleep is fundamental to your physical health, your mental health, and every one of your relationships. Without enough quality sleep, you simply are not living your best life.

It is time to change that.

The information in The Deep Sleep Kit (TM) has been built from over two decades of combined clinical experience of two PhD Health Psychologists, and it is rooted in the science of sleep. It contains an actionable plan for you to get better sleep starting tonight.