Ozempic...To Take Or Not, That Is The Question


Ozempic…to take or not to take, that is the question. Semaglutide (marketed as Ozempic) and tirzepatide (marketed at Mounjaro and Zepbound) are peptides similar to glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and GIP receptors. These peptide can be purchased in their pharmaceutical form (with the names above) or as compounded peptides with more ability to adjust dosage. These peptides can be used for blood glucose management, obesity management, and many other conditions. But, it’s hard to sort through the information swirling around about these peptides/medications. The decision of whether or not this medication is right for you should be made in coordination with a trusted and informed provider. Ultimately, you are your own primary care provider, so consider the following when making the decision:

1. Holistic Health Approach

I am definitely not an advocate of a pill for all ills. I advocate a holistic approach to health, which involves looking at the body as an interconnected system rather than isolated parts. When considering Ozempic, look at:

  • Evaluate Overall Health: Understand how diabetes and weight management fit into your broader health picture. Address other underlying issues, such as gut health, hormonal balance, and chronic inflammation.

  • Integrate Lifestyle Changes: Peptides like semaglutide and tirzepatide can be more effective when combined with lifestyle modifications. A nutrient-dense diet, regular exercise including strength training, and stress management techniques are a MUST for anyone considering these tools.

2. Root Cause Focus

So much of conventional medicine focuses on managing symptoms and seeing a specialist for each part of the body. I believe that true HEALTH care focusing on finding root causes of health issues rather than merely treating symptoms. When considering these peptides:

  • Assess Underlying Causes of Diabetes: Investigate factors contributing to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and chronic stress.

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Tailor the treatment plan to the individual. This might involve combining Ozempic with other interventions aimed at improving insulin sensitivity and metabolic health.

3. Potential Benefits and Risks

Like with any supplement or medication, a balanced evaluation of any treatment's benefits and risks is required. With semaglutide and tirzepatide:

  • Acknowledge the Benefits: These peptides lower blood sugar levels and promote weight loss, which are critical for managing type 2 diabetes and reducing cardiovascular risk.

  • Understand the Risks: Be aware of potential side effects like gastrointestinal issues, and more serious risks like pancreatitis and thyroid tumors. Regular monitoring and open communication with healthcare providers are essential. We also know that any weight loss can mean loss of muscle, and that is true with these peptides, too. So, strength-training is a MUST. In addition, clinical experience is showing that microdoses can be effective which can also reduce side effects.

4. Patient Empowerment and Education

Empowering patients with knowledge is a cornerstone of taking any medication or supplement:

  • Be Informed: Educate yourself about how these peptides work, their benefits, potential side effects, and how they into your overall treatment plan.

  • Ask Questions: Engage in meaningful conversations with your healthcare provider. Ask about how these peptides will interact with your current medications and how it will support your health goals.

5. Integrative and Functional Medicine Strategies

In line with integrative and functional medicine principles, it’s important to also consider

  • Dietary Interventions: Focus on a whole-food, anti-inflammatory diet. This can include increasing intake of vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins while reducing sugar and processed foods.

  • Nutritional Supplements: Consider supplements that support metabolic health, such as magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, after consulting with your healthcare provider.

  • Mind-Body Practices: Incorporate practices like mindfulness, yoga, and meditation to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

6. Long-Term Health Goals

Look beyond immediate symptom management to long-term health and wellness:

  • Sustainable Lifestyle Changes: Aim for changes that you can maintain over the long term. This includes adopting little changes to a healthier diet, staying physically active, and managing stress effectively.

  • Regular Health Assessments: Continuous monitoring and adjustment of your treatment plan are crucial. Regular check-ins with your healthcare provider can help track your progress and make necessary adjustments.


The decision to use these peptides should be made with a comprehensive understanding of your overall health and in conjunction with a holistic, integrative approach to treatment. By considering the root causes of your health issues, making informed decisions, and integrating lifestyle changes, you can optimize your health outcomes. Always engage in open dialogue with your healthcare provider to ensure that your treatment plan aligns with your personal health goals and needs.