The Myth of a "Mental Health Day" and How to Create a Real Health Reset


Taking a “sick day” is common when we have a fever or a stomach bug, but it’s not as common to proactively, preventatively take a “mental health day.” Actually, a mental health day is a bit of a misnomer because separating mental health from physical health is only semantics. Mental and physical health are actually one in the same. Taking a day off from traditional 9 to 5 job or from the household responsibilities is crucial for maintaining overall health and productivity. A health day can help to recharge and build resiliency. Here’s a guide for how you can set up a “health day.”

Step 1: Acknowledge the Need

Before anything else, acknowledge when you need a health day. Signs might include feeling overwhelmed, persistent fatigue, irritability, or a general sense of disconnection. It's important to listen to your body and mind and recognize that it's okay to need a break.

Step 2: Create Space in Your Schedule

Once you've decided to take a mental health day, clear your schedule. Inform your employer, colleagues, or family members that you’ll be unavailable. If possible, choose a day where you have fewer obligations. Communicate your need for this time off honestly and professionally.

Step 3: Plan Your Activities

The goal of a health day is to engage in activities that help you relax, rejuvenate, and re-center. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Nature Time: Spend time outdoors. A walk in the park, a hike, or simply sitting in a garden can do wonders for your mental state.

  • Digital Detox: Limit your use of digital devices. Disconnecting from emails, social media, and news can help reduce stress.

  • Creative Activities: Engage in activities that stimulate your creativity. Painting, writing, playing music, or any other hobby can be very therapeutic.

  • Self-Care: Treat yourself to activities that make you feel good. This could be a long bath, a spa day, or a simple nap.

  • Mindfulness Practices: Practice mindfulness or meditation. Yoga, deep-breathing exercises, or guided meditation can help calm your mind.

  • Reading and Learning: Read a book or listen to a podcast that interests you. This can be a great way to relax.

Step 4: Prepare in Advance

To ensure your health day goes smoothly, prepare a few things in advance:

  • Gather Supplies: Whether it's art supplies, comfortable clothing, or healthy foods, make sure you have everything you need on hand.

  • Set Boundaries: Let those around you know that you’re taking this time for yourself. Politely but firmly set boundaries to minimize interruptions.

  • Plan Meals: Plan healthy meals and snacks for the day. Eating well can have a positive impact on your mood and energy levels.

Step 5: Stay Flexible

While it's good to have a plan, stay flexible. Listen to what your body and mind need throughout the day. If you planned to go for a hike but feel too tired, it's okay to change your plans and opt for a relaxing activity instead.

Step 6: Reflect and Journal

At the end of your health day, take some time to reflect. Consider journaling about how you felt throughout the day, what activities were most beneficial, and any insights you gained. This can help you identify what strategies work best for you and remind you of the importance of regular self-care.

Step 7: Integrate Health Practices into Daily Life

A health day can be incredibly rejuvenating, but maintaining well-being is an ongoing process. Try to integrate small health practices into your daily routine. This might include five minutes of deep breathing once a day or scheduling time regularly for hobbies, a class, or social gatherings.


Taking a health day is a powerful act of self-care. By planning ahead and focusing on activities that nourish your mind and body, you can make the most of this time and return to your responsibilities feeling refreshed and more resilient. Remember, prioritizing your health is not a luxury, but a necessity. Make it a regular part of your life, and watch how it transforms your overall well-being.