Posts tagged mental health
The Mental Benefits of Travel: Even Local Adventures Can Transform Your Mind

When we think of travel, images of exotic beaches, bustling foreign markets, and distant landscapes often come to mind. However, you don’t need to journey far from home to reap the mental benefits of travel. Local travel can be just as enriching and transformative, offering numerous advantages for your mental well-being.

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The Myth of a "Mental Health Day" and How to Create a Real Health Reset

Taking a “sick day” is common when we have a fever or a stomach bug, but it’s not as common to proactively, preventatively take a “mental health day.” Actually, a mental health day is a bit of a misnomer because separating mental health from physical health is only semantics. A health day can help to recharge and build resiliency. Here’s a guide for how you can set up a “health day.”

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Feeling anxious? Here's why

Anxiety is a normal human emotion, but excess anxiety can disrupt everyday life.

Not all anxiety is the same both in how it presents (i.e., the symptoms people have) and the factors that contribute to it. When someone comes to a professional with an issue, they are looking for a solution. When it comes to many health issues, there is not one single fix. Saying that you have depression, anxiety, fatigue, or pain really tells us nothing about the solution because the causal and contributing factors are complex and overlapping.

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